Screen capture

To Record a picture of the remote computer screen is possible at any time.

The recorded picture has the following characteristics :
  • it has the dimensions of the remote computer screen (for example : 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, ...)
  • it is saved with jpeg format on the SD-card of the mobile phone
  • the saved picture is the one that is displayed by In-Hand VNC at the time the capture function is called

To call the screen capture function, click "Menu" in zoom mode or move mode to display the "Menu bar". Click on button
A new screen is displayed :

The screen is divided into three areas as shown hereafter :

Perform the following actions :
  • Select a directory where to save the picture.
The directory that is listed in "Current directory" will be used.
To select it, simply touch directory entries on the Android mobile phone.
  • Select a file to receive the picture.
If the selected file already exists, it will be replaced.
To select a file, simply touch file entries on the Android mobile phone.
The selected file has its radio button, on the right, that is marked as active.
  • Click "Menu".
The notification bar will indicate that the work is in progress.

When the operation is completed, a message is displayed.

All these actions are summarized into the following picture :

Buttons of the Button Panel are used to manage directories and files.

Click on this button to create a new file

Click on this button to create a new directory

Click on this button to delete the selected directory or file entry.
Touch the entry to be deleted and then click on this button.

In addition, directories and files can be renamed by clicking on any entry with a long click. The long clicked entry will go to its editing mode has shown on the following picture :

To validate the modified text, click on "Menu".

To cancel modifications, click on "Back" key of the Android mobile phone.